Hello! Thank you for reviewing this document. Connecting with Bluelight has never been easier. In this tutorial, we show you how to access our support portal directly through your computer as an existing customer. If you are not signed up for our remote management, you can get a hold of a representative for more information. Just send an email to info@bluelighttechs.com or give us a call at 214-544-6424.
Let's get started!
Finding the Bluelight Icon to submit a ticket:
On your computer, navigate to the bottom right corner of your computer. You will be looking for a blue “B” icon. If you don't see anything, click the navigation arrow as pictured below.
Next, you will see a window with a few icons, depending on what is installed on your computer. Look for the blue “B” Icon as shown below.
Now, right click the blue “B” icon with your mouse. Then you will see an action button pop up that says “Bluelight Support Portal”. Click the pop up, and it will direct you to our support page. See below.
Submitting a Ticket
When you're having issues with your devices, or anything technology related, Bluelight is your first stop. If you're having an emergency, we recommend calling us directly. Otherwise submitting a ticket can be the fastest way to get support. See our next steps on submitting your ticket for support.
Logging In To support portal
If you have never submitted a ticket, you will need to login. To do this, click the new user sign up as shown below.
Enter your full name and email address, followed by our security verification. Then click “Sign Up”. You will receive an email to verify your signup.
Once you have completed the verification, it will take you to your homepage on the support portal. On the top right corner of the web page, you will see “My Area”. Click this to get started with a ticket.
Once you are in “My Area”, Click “add ticket to get started submitting one.
After clicking “add ticket”, you will be directed to the main ticket submittal site. Under account name, type in your company name. If nothing shows up, move on to the next question.
For the “subject”, put in a brief description. For example “ front desk computer is running slow”
The next line will be the description of your issues. Please be as detailed as possible. Explain the type of issues you are having, when it happens, and the frequency of the issue. If it is a specific program please list that as well.
Next, If you have purchased any products through us, in “product name”, search for the device that is having issues, otherwise just move on.
Priority is going to be the urgency of your issue. If it's affecting working capabilities for example, then this would be considered medium to high priority. Use your best judgment.
Under classification, please put the type of ticket you're submitting. We have 4 different types. Questions, Problems, features, and other. This helps us to categorize tickets and get them to the right person.
Lastly, you can add a file to your ticket. For example, a photo or a file from an issue you're having.
And that's it! Just hit submit, and it sends it directly to our team to look into. If you have questions, or can email us at info@bluelighttechs.com.